Brown Egg LayersTop ProducersAmberlink Egg Production 300+ annually Broody No weight 4.5-5.5lbs Matures Early as Early as 18 weeks on average 20-21 weeks Black Australorps Egg Production 275+ Annually (The Black Australorp holds the record for laying 364 eggs in a year) Broody No weight 6.5-8.5lbs Matures Early as Early as 16 weeks on average 18-21 weeks Black Sex-Linked Egg Production 300+ Annually Broody No weight 6-8 Lbs Matures Early as Early as 16 weeks on average 22-24 weeks Brown Leghorn Egg Production 280+Annually Broody No weight 4-6lbs Matures Early as Early as 16 weeks on average 20-21 weeks Cinnamon Queen Egg Production 300+ Annually Broody No weight 4.5-5.5lbs Matures Early as Early as 18 weeks on average 20-21 weeks Matures Early as Early as 18 weeks on average 20-21 weeks Columbia Rock Cross Egg Production 300+ Annually Broody No weight 6-7 Lbs Matures Early as Early as 16 weeks on average 20-22 weeks Golden Comet Egg Production 300+Annually Broody No weight 4.5-5.5lbs Matures Early as Early as 18 weeks on average 20-21 weeks ISA Brown Egg Production 300+ Annually Broody No weight 4-5 lbs Matures Early as Early as 18 weeks on average 20-21 weeks Rhode Island Red Egg Production 300+ Annually Broody No weight 6.5-8 lbs Matures Early on average 20-21 weeks White Leghorn Egg Production 300+Annually Broody No weight 4-6lbs Matures Early as Early as 16 weeks on average 20-21 weeks Great ProducersBlue Jersey Giant Egg Production 200 Very Large Brown Eggs Broody Occasionally Weight 10-13 lbs Blue Rock Egg Production 275+ Annually Broody No weight 6-7lbs Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Egg Production 250 + annually Broody Occasionally Weight 6.5 to 8.5 pounds Buff Orpingtons Egg Production 250+ Annually Broody Very weight 8-10lbs Cuckoo Marans Egg Production 250+Annually Broody Slightly weight 6-8lbs Lays Dark Eggs Golden Cuckoo Marans Egg Production 250 + annually Broody Occasionally Weight 6 to 8 pounds Lays Dark Eggs Golden Laced Wyandotte Egg Production 250+Annually Broody Slightly weight 6.5-9.5lbs Noir Maran Egg Production 250 Broody Occasionally Weight 6.5-8 lbs Partridge Rock Egg Production 250+Annually Broody No weight 7.5-9.5 Plymouth Barred Rock Egg Production 250+Annually Broody No weight 7.5-9.5lbs Matures Early as Early as 16 weeks on average 20-21 weeks Rhode Island Blue Egg Production 275+ Broody No weight 5-6 lbs Silver Laced Wyandotte Egg Production 250+Annually Broody Slightly weight 6.6-9.5 lbs Splashed Laced Red Wyandotte Egg Production 250 + annually Broody Occasionally Weight 6.5 to 8.5 pounds Welsummer Egg Production 250+Annually Broody Occasionally weight 4-6lbs |
Good Producers
Barnevelder Egg Production 200+ Annually Broody Yes weight 6-7 lbs Lays Dark Eggs Bielefelders Egg Production 200-280 annually Broody Occasionally Weight 9.5 to 12 pounds Black Copper Maran Egg Production 200+ Annually Broody Occasionally weight 6-8lbs Lays Dark Eggs Black Jersey Giant Egg Production 200+Annually Broody-Yes weight 10-13lbs Black Orpington Egg Production 200 Broody Yes Weight 6.5-8.5 lbs Blue Australorp Egg Production 225 Broody Yes Weight 6.5-8.5 lbs Blue Copper Maran Egg Production 200+ Annually Broody Occasionally weight 6-8lbs Lays Dark Eggs Buff Brahma Egg Production 200+Annually Broody-Yes weight 10-13lbs Chocolate Orpingtons Egg Production 200 Broody Yes Weight 6.5-8.5 lbs Dark Brahman Egg Production 200+Annually Broody Very weight 10-13lbs Lavander Maran Egg Production 175 Broody Yes Weight 6-8 lbs Lavender Orpington Egg Production 200 Broody Yes Weight 8-10 lbs Light Brahman Egg Production 200 Annually Broody Very weight 10-13lbs Speckled Sussex Egg Production 175+Annually Broody Yes weight 7-9lbs Splash Australorp Egg Production 225 Broody Occasionally Weight 6.5-8.5 lbs Splash Jersey Giant Egg Production 200 Very Large Brown Eggs Broody Occasionally Weight 10-13 lbs Splash Maran Egg Production 175 Broody Yes Weight 6-8 lbs Colored Egg LayerEggcellent!!
Order Chickens Here!! |
To better meet the needs of our customers we are now offering the option of purchasing chickens online. Pre-selling chickens comes with its own set of obstacles. Our concern is to make sure we take the necessary steps to make sure our customers are taken care of. Below is the procedure we will use to make sure we do just that. I am sure the procedure will change as we all grow with the process. I personally like to know the “whys” behind something, so I will try to explain them as well.
1. All sales are final.
(We are not giving refunds to discourage people from purchasing chickens as a place holder and then cancelling their order. We want to make sure this process benefits as many people as possible. We don’t want someone to miss out because someone is playing the system.)
2. We will make between 50% and
60% of our original inventory
available for online purchase.
(This is to make sure everyone who purchased chickens will get the chickens they want. Crazy things happen and chickens die. This way we have a surplus just in case. Even with a surplus, things still could happen. In the event that you purchase chickens online and we cannot supply them, we will refund 100% of your total cost of purchase.)
3. Chickens must be picked up by
the designated date. There will be
no refunds for chickens that are
not picked up on or before the
designated pick up date.
(Since we are only selling half of our chickens online, the remainder will be sold first come, first served. We will not sell any chickens first come, first served until all chickens are picked up or after the pickup date. This way we don’t accidently sell a bird that was already purchased.)
4.We will be available without an
appointment on the pickup date
and designated time that is
indicated on our website.
5.You can make an appointment
(call 386-208-0495) to pick up
your chickens early during the
pickup window designated for
that group of bird.
(We have very active children in sports, school, etc. and want to make sure that we schedule a time that works for everyone involved.)
6.For online purchases chickens
will cost $26.25 for 2 months old
(This will offset the credit card service fees. We decided we would rather have the customers who are using this service to pay the fees instead having all customers absorb the cost.)
1. All sales are final.
(We are not giving refunds to discourage people from purchasing chickens as a place holder and then cancelling their order. We want to make sure this process benefits as many people as possible. We don’t want someone to miss out because someone is playing the system.)
2. We will make between 50% and
60% of our original inventory
available for online purchase.
(This is to make sure everyone who purchased chickens will get the chickens they want. Crazy things happen and chickens die. This way we have a surplus just in case. Even with a surplus, things still could happen. In the event that you purchase chickens online and we cannot supply them, we will refund 100% of your total cost of purchase.)
3. Chickens must be picked up by
the designated date. There will be
no refunds for chickens that are
not picked up on or before the
designated pick up date.
(Since we are only selling half of our chickens online, the remainder will be sold first come, first served. We will not sell any chickens first come, first served until all chickens are picked up or after the pickup date. This way we don’t accidently sell a bird that was already purchased.)
4.We will be available without an
appointment on the pickup date
and designated time that is
indicated on our website.
5.You can make an appointment
(call 386-208-0495) to pick up
your chickens early during the
pickup window designated for
that group of bird.
(We have very active children in sports, school, etc. and want to make sure that we schedule a time that works for everyone involved.)
6.For online purchases chickens
will cost $26.25 for 2 months old
(This will offset the credit card service fees. We decided we would rather have the customers who are using this service to pay the fees instead having all customers absorb the cost.)