Australorps are a wonderful breed of chicken that you can count on to lay lot of eggs! They originate out of Australia and were originally called the “Australian Black Orpington,” which was later contracted to “Australorp.” As for appearance, they have a large red comb and wattles, slate-blue to black, un-feathered legs, and the Black variety has black feathers with a beetle green sheen that shimmers in the sunlight, while the Blue variety has blue-gray feathers with a small amount of lacing. They are a calm, quiet breed that is easy to handle once they warm up to you. Not being pushy with other birds, Australorps often find themselves in the middle of the pecking order. They are able to tolerate a wide range of temperatures and enjoy foraging for food, making them good free-rangers.
We offer multiple varieties of Australorps here at Happy Heart Farms:
*** IMPORTANT: When picking up your new chickens from us, please be sure to bring a box/crate/etc. in which to transport your birds to their new home.
Hours of Operation
Saturday 9 to 5 unless otherwise noted.
Sunday from 1:00 to 5:00
Monday through Friday after 4:30 by appointment only. Please call 386-208-0495 to make an appointment.
- Happy Heart Farms
- 6074 127th Place, Live Oak Florida 32060
- 386-208-0495
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