Red Orpington

you want in your flock if you’re a beginner. Orpingtons are known for their sweet-tempered, docile nature. They’re a sizable and curvy bird with loose, fluffy feathering which makes them seem even larger. Red Orpingtons are a solid rust color. Orpingtons tend to be very friendly and have a pet-like demeanor. They are a productive layer of medium-large brown eggs.



Egg Production: 250+ Annually

Broody: Very

Weight: 8-10lbs


Link to Pricing


*** IMPORTANT: When picking up your new chickens from us, please be sure to bring a box/crate/etc. in which to transport your birds to their new home.

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Pro Tip: Type the breed you are looking for in the search bar above the “Items” (dates available) section if using a computer or use the search icon from your phone, and the dates that particular breed is offered will be displayed there.